

Cor Leonis consultancy services are wide ranging and involve the commercial and financial aspects of the upstream business, whether for clients with an established production portfolio, new entrants or other parties involved in Dutch upstream sector. Services range from gas marketing and economic valuation to due diligence, impairment reviews and commercial contract review.

consultancyErik Henneke holds a Master-degree in Finance and an Executive Master of Finance and Control of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He provides added value through accurate and in depth analysis and expertise of relevant business drivers. He is well connected with relevant parties in the Dutch E&P industry and with relevant advisors including Taxation, Insurance, Legal, Auditors and Investment banking.

Erik Henneke can be hired on a consultancy basis for a specific scope of work, or on a retainer basis, providing local experience and presence. He is well connected with relevant parties in the Dutch E&P industry and with relevant advisors including Taxation, Insurance, Legal, Auditors and Investment banking.

Typical services that Cor Leonis could offer to various parties are listed below.

Clients Cor Leonis services
Production license holders Independent  price verification
Historic gas price trend analysis
Variance analysis (gas price and/or gas revenues)
Independent long term price premise
Hedging advise
Project economics
Impairment test
E&P accounting advise
Commercial contract review
Exploration license holders Independent long term price premise
Project economics
Portfolio valuation
New entrants Portfolio valuation
Hedging advise
Purchase price allocation
Independent long term price premise
Due diligence
Banks and investors Historic gas price trend analysis
Independent long term price premise
Portfolio valuation
Due diligence
Auditors Independent price verification
Impairment test review