• Cor Leonis

    'Cor Leonis', latin for 'Heart of the Lion', is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and one of the brightest stars in the night sky. It was known by the Persians as one of the four royal stars, which were used as a rudimentary seasonal calendar.
  • Consultancy

    Cor Leonis consultancy services are wide ranging and involve the commercial and financial aspects of the upstream business, whether for clients with an established production portfolio, new entrants or other parties involved in Dutch upstream sector. Services range from gas marketing and economic valuation to due diligence, impairment reviews and commercial contract review.
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  • Gas Marketing

    The Dutch gas market has some unique characteristics. The Dutch small field policy ensures a guaranteed offtake of gas produced offshore in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. Pricing on the Dutch natural gas market has changed considerably over recent years, with a break from traditional oil-indexation, being replaced by spot-index traded gas (TTF).
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  • Economic Valuation

    A sound and robust economic analysis is of paramount importance for succesful performance in the current upstream business. Asset valuation is impacted by numerous value drivers including production forecasting, price assumptions, opex- and capex assumptions and fiscal regime.
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  • www.oilandgasdataservices.com

    Cor Leonis Consultancy relaunched its application www.oilandgasdataservices.com. The database currently spans 125 countries and 58,000 fields, 25,000 Licenses, 165,000 Facilities, 150,000 Pipelines and 3,800,000 Wells. The database also holds monthly production history for over 10,000 Oil and Gas fields and for those fields that are currently producing a Forecast that has been generated with a proprietary decline curve based algorithm, which has proven accurate in numerous occassions. You can apply for a free trial-account here.
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Cor Leonis Consultancy relaunched its application www.oilandgasdataservices.com. The database currently spans 125 countries and 58,000 fields, 25,000 Licenses, 165,000 Facilities, 150,000 Pipelines and 3,800,000 Wells.

The database also holds monthly production history for over 10,000 Oil and Gas fields and for those fields that are currently producing a Forecast that has been generated with a proprietary decline curve based algorithm, which has proven accurate in numerous occassions.

You can apply for a free trial-account here.

Economic Valuation

A sound and robust economic analysis is of paramount importance for succesful performance in the current upstream business. Asset valuation is impacted by numerous value drivers including production forecasting, price assumptions, opex- and capex assumptions and fiscal regime.

Read more: Economic Valuation

Cor Leonis

'Cor Leonis', latin for 'Heart of the Lion', is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and one of the brightest stars in the night sky. It was known by the Persians as one of the four royal stars, which were used as a rudimentary seasonal calendar.

Gas Marketing

The Dutch gas market has some unique characteristics. The Dutch small field policy ensures a guaranteed offtake of gas produced offshore in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. Pricing on the Dutch natural gas market has changed considerably over recent years, with a break from traditional oil-indexation, being replaced by spot-index traded gas (TTF).

Read more: Gas Marketing


Cor Leonis consultancy services are wide ranging and involve the commercial and financial aspects of the upstream business, whether for clients with an established production portfolio, new entrants or other parties involved in Dutch upstream sector. Services range from gas marketing and economic valuation to due diligence, impairment reviews and commercial contract review.

Read more: Consultancy

Dutch Oil & Gas Portal

Cor Leonis provides the most comprehensive set of useful links for the Dutch Oil & Gas industry, including oil & gas companies, legislation, drilling companies, service companies, consultants and corporate law firms etc.

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Conversion Tool

In the Oil & Gas industry many factors are used, either metric or imperial. Cor Leonis provides a comprehensive conversion tool for the most common conversions for various types of metrics, such as weight, length, volume and energetic values etc. Just simply complete the type of metric and its volume, and the tool will return the most common conversions to other metrics of a similar type.

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Oil & Gas Videos

If you ever wondered how seismic acquisition works? Or how you drill a well offshore? In this section you can find several interesting animated movies explaining several basic aspects of oil & gas operations.

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